Romeo is a romantic comedy drama film written and directed by Vinayak Vaithianathan in his directorial debut and produced by Vijay Antony’s daughter Meera Vijay Antony.

The plot of the film is nothing new, but then the screenplay and the narration gets interesting because of late there have been many movies that have touched upon various relationships but they have barely scratched the surface except a very few. In Romeo the film manages to keep the plot entwined with the screenplay rarely losing focus. The downside after a certain period in especially as the film gets into the second half the freshness loses appeal with repeated scenes and the film trudges along painstakingly until it reaches the pre climax period where it gets interesting. The film manages to salvage some pride towards the end. A lot of messages that are philosophical and pragmatic have been spread through the film that would connect with many in the audience.

Vijay Antony is a surprise and does surprisingly well. Mrinalini Ravi’ delivers the goods and comes out top. VTV Ganesh and Yogi Babu do much more than regular comedy.

Farooq Basha’s cinematography is organized. Bharath Dhanashekar’s background score compliments the scenes well. Vijay Antony’s editing deserves some praise. Dialogues are good and direction is good.

ROMEO is a fun watch !!




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