DEMONTE COLONY 2 is a Tamil horror Thriller movie written and directed by R. Ajay Gnanamuthu. The film is jointly produced by Bobby Balachandran, Vijay Subaramaniam, and RC Rajkumar under BTG Universal, White Nights Entertainment, and Gnanamuthu Pattarai banners.

The prequel created quite a buzz with its deviation from the regular mindless horror comedies that Tamil cinema continued and still continues to churn. The first part was different in many ways though it did include some commercial mass elements. This sequel gives us a recap and then straightaway blazes into action, but quickly then the film meanders into emotional drama as it meanders aimlessly. The second half where the thrill actually sets in is then a series of pedestrian effects as the film peters into a very ordinary film with no horror elements whatsoever. What works for the film is the characterisation and the connect between the plot and the subplots. The climax is where the real reason for the series of mindless horror drama infused is revealed and by then the audience do not give a damn for the motive. The climax reveal is the typical old template and ends with a warning for the third part.

Arulnidhi does what he does the best as he continues to be unassuming. Priya Bhavani Shankar has got to offer more in the dubbing than in her performance. The rest of the characters do their job.

Harish Kannan’s cinematography is functional. Sam CS decides to provide all the thrill through his loud background score. Editing by Kumaresh D is OK. Dialogues are average while direction is ordinary.

DEMONTE COLONY 2 is for the part 1 faithfuls !!



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