Marakkuma Nenjam is a school comedy romance drama written and directed by Raako Yoagandran. Akshay Poola and Prasanth S have written the film’s additional screenplay and dialogue with the director, Raako Yoagandran. Kuviyam Mediaworks and Filia Entertainment Pvt. Ltd., Raghu Yelluru, Ramesh Panchagnula, Janardhan Chowdary, and the director Raako. Yoagandran have produced Marakkuma Nenjam.

What can you talk about a plot that resembles ridiculous logic.There is not even an attempt to explain the issue; the audience is left to assume the validity of the silly design without conviction. There are a lot of forced cute moments that might work with a few sections of the audience while others might not enjoy it much. There are some messages that should enlighten the audience, but otherwise the movie is as flat as it can be. The adulthood school portions are a letdown. The characterization too doesn’t impress they look flaky and there is no real purpose in the definition of them.

Rakshan is a big misfit. His expressions are poor and one of the main reasons why the screenplay looked unconvincing was his performance. Malini is very average. It is Dheena who scores over everyone with his effortless acting. The rest are just there..
Gopi Duraisamy’s cinematography is good. Sachin Warrier’s background score does get noticed at places. The songs are average though. Dialogues are OK and direction is standard.

MARAKKUMA NENJAM is eminently forgettable!!