VEPPAM KULIR MAZHAI is a family drama that is written and directed by Pascal Vedamuthu. The film is produced by Dhirav. Dhirav is also the editor and the hero of the film.

The plot of VPM is an oft repeated one that has been touched upon various film makers at different periods. What makes VPM different is the way it has been treated without being feminist, rationalist or being critical of any particular division in the society. Vedamuthu deserves full credit for sticking to a very honest narrative that rarely attempts to be preachy and is very organic in its screenplay. The family drama rarely gets melodramatic despite having a very good premise to be so. The lead couple and their travails are wonderfully crafted. The turmoil and the tribulation in their relationship suppressed by their unadulterated love for each other, makes for compelling viewing. Save for a death episode there are no scenes that feel forced, but for many the narration could feel slow. Full credit to Vedamuthu for a very honest portrayal of a sensitive issue, without getting sucked into the lofty fake preachy ideals, that most film directors have got consumed in.

Dhirav and Ismath Banu have delivered a fantastic performance. The duo brilliantly overshadow the slowness of the script with their intense acting. MS Bhaskar looks comfortable in his brief role. Rama too has delivered the goods.

Prithvi Rajendran’s cinematography suits the rural milieu. Shankar Rangarajan’s background score is a huge boost and the songs are earthy. Dialogues are good and editing by Dhirav is neat. Direction by Vedamuthu is from the top draw and a lot is expected out of him in his future projects.

VEPPAM KULIR MAZHAI is for the cinema enthusiasts !!


